Abup ut
A day programme currently taking place in the climbing hall in Grimstad. The group intervention runs as weekly sessions over a ten-week period. Two therapists normally facilitate each gathering for a group of maximum four adolescents.
Together with each participant, we determine individual goals for participating in climbing therapy.
- Subjective experiences and mastery
- New emotional experiences
- Resource-focus
- Learn more about the relation between thoughts, feelings and action
- Social interaction and support
- Exposure training
- Problem solving
- Find new ways to manage difficult situations
- Group talks
- Group dynamics
- Motor development
- Therapeutic climbing combines physical activity with effective factors from cognitive behavioural therapy.
Terapeutisk klatring er et gruppetilbud for ungdommer mellom 13 og 18 år som er henvist til ABUP. Det trengs ingen forkunnskaper i klatring, men et ønske om å være med. Therapeutic climbing is a group treatment for youth between 13 and 18 years of age who have been referred to ABUP. Nor prior knowledge of climbing is required, only a motivation to join. This approach can be suitable as treatment for depression, anxiety, trauma and adjustment difficulties. Therapeutic climbing can also be suitable for youth with ADHD or Tourette’s syndrome who are in need of activities that can provide mastery.
In therapeutic climbing, we wish to provide positive experiences through exciting and motivating forms of physical activity. Participants will learn basic climbing techniques, though bouldering and top rope climbing. Throughout the sessions, we will go through various themes such as individual expectations and experience, self-efficacy, trust and fear, and furthermore how this can transfer to daily life.

Contact & locations:
The climbing takes place in the climbing hall Sør Amfi in Grimstad. Address: Terje Løvåsvei 10. Reach out to the contact person below to find out when the next intervention is scheduled.
Martin Hirte. Phone: 37075000. E-mail: martin.hirte@sshf.no
Andreas Koksvik. Phone: 3707500. E-mail: andreas.koksvik@sshf.no
Camilla Larsen Major. Phone: 48051585. E-mail: lcamil@sshf.no