Our team
The Frilufts team is a multi-disciplinary team made up of dedicated clinicians and researchers who contribute to the development of outdoor therapy and healthcare through exploring the numerous possibilities for health promotion and recovery in and through nature.

The Frilufts team is a lovely group of clinicians and researchers spread across the three hospital locations of Lister, Kristiansand and Arendal. The team is multi-disciplinary and represents psychology, nursing, social work, outdoor, pedagogical and scientific competence.
Team members also work within various units of ABUP, including Outpatient Clinics, the Acute and Ambulatory Unit, the Family Unit, as well as the Research and Development Unit.
The Frilufts team has an appointed coordinator at each location and meets on a regular basis to coordinate the day programmes and projects. In addition, we have a main coordinator for clinical practice and a main coordinator for research. These are also contact persons of the team.

Martin Hirte
I am born and raised in Germany. In 2004, my wife and I moved to Norway and it is no coincidence that we settled down by the sea. One of my greatest hobbies are sea kayaking. In 2019, I completed the advanced course where I learnt to master technique and group dynamics during demanding conditions. I have practiced as a psychologist since 2003 and have specialised in child and adolescent psychology.
I have specialised in cognitive therapy and particularly find anxiety and compulsive behaviour interesting. Previously I worked at the Outpatient Clinic at ABUP Arendal, but since 2020, I have been part of the Acute and Ambulatory services. Since 2014, I have been involved with Friluftsterapi in ABUP and I am thrilled that we are now running outdoor programmes all year. My focus areas within outdoor therapy is Friluftsterapi Expedition, paddling therapy and climbing therapy.
- Specialist psychologist in child and adolescent psychology
- Specialisation in cognitive therapy and autogenic training
- Continuing education in autogenic training
- Sea Kayak Advanced Guide
- Climbing Belay Certificate (Brattkort)

Andreas Koksvik
All my life I have found that spending time outdoors provides great experiences, even when the weather is unpleasant. I enjoy walks in the forest to notice the calm of nature and feel the warmth from the campfire. I am also fond of exciting activities – such as climbing, kayaking and cycling. It is especially intriguing to explore new areas and to manage sleeping outdoors summers as well as winters.
Tending to nature is meaningful and I have become more aware of sustainable qualities of equipment and that it should not contain toxins. Plenty of equipment can be borrowed or acquired second hand, as it should not be costly to enjoy life outdoors.
- Clinical social worker
- Further education in mental health work
- Specialisation in cognitive therapy and autogenic training
- Spesialisation in family therapy
- Climbing Top Rope Certificate
- Sea Kayak Basic and Technique Course

Camilla Larsen Major
I am a social worker that have specialised in infant and toddler mental health, and have worked in ABUP since 2019. I have loved spending time outdoors ever since I can remember, but in 2010, arose a deep sense of connection to Norwegian nature.
Since then I have thrived with a heavy backpack and hiking boots, near or far, on skis in snow. In nature, I seek mastery, restoration and joy. I have a strong belief in nature as a therapeutic space and I am happy to be part of the Frilufts team so that I have the chance to invite children, youth and families to share these experiences.
- Social worker
- Specialisation in infant and toddler mental health

Helene Espeland
I grew up with the forest as my immediate neighbour and playground. Throughout my childhood we were often on hikes, winters and summers alike. The objective was never to reach the highest peaks, or fastest or furthest, the focus was to enjoy the campfire and the joy of being outdoors. Horses have always been an important part of my upbringing and I have spent countless hours in the stable. What impresses me the most with horses, is their unconditional affection for us and how they “read” us humans in a unique way. This fascination for horses and nature lead me to Iceland where I worked in a large stable with both young horses and competing horses. Throughout the yearly stay I really felt the powers of nature, and most of all the interaction and respect between horses and humans that is passed on from generation to generation.
I have many years of experience form mental health work with adults, and I am now happy to have this opportunity to work with children and youth. I am very passionate about outdoor therapy, preferably together with a dog or a horse. It is important for me to emphasise that even short hikes in nature can bring great experiences!
- Specialisation in Nature-based therapeutic work and Animal-assisted interventions
- Specialisation in cognitive therapy and autogenic training
- Specialisation in Mental health work and substance use dependencies
- BSc Nursing

Anne Kari Jansen
I have worked as a clinical pedagogue in ABUP Lister since 2022. I have always had an interest for nature’s influence on our physical and mental well-being. It is important to me personally to spend time in nature in order to regulate stress. In my clinical work, I find it relaxing and positive to have sessions in other settings besides my office. I especially prefer to converse with youth around a campfire.
I also enjoy all of nature’s resources, especially harvesting all things eatable from nature. I am a professional chef and have worked both off shore and on Svalbard. Every summer I still cook on a coal stove in an old ship. Previously I have worked in teacher education, before entering into mental health work.
- Pedagogue with specialisation in nutrition, health and special needs education
- Specialisation in eating disorders, body awareness, anxiety disorders, mental health work and network approaches

Vibeke Palucha
I am the main coordinator for clinical practice in the Frilufts team. I have worked in ABUP since 1998, first in our hospital ward, next in the Acute and Ambulatory Unit. In 2014, I joined the Frilufts team and have been the coordinator since 2017.
I grew up with hikes in the forest, boat trips and skiing and have brought these activities into adulthood. Being in nature provides joy, calm and energy. My desire is for other people to experience this and I believe that nature connectedness is vital for our physical and mental health.
- Social worker
- MSc in Mental health work
- Uni courses in Psychology and special needs education
- Specialisation in Trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (TF-CBT)
- Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR).
- Training in MediYoga, Mindfullness and CAMS (Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality)
- Many years as a child scout

Gunnar Oland Åsen
Jeg har arbeidet som psykolog hele karrieren min, og er spesialist i barne- og ungdomspsykologi. Jeg har erfaring fra barnevern, PP-tjeneste, som rettssakkyndig, i tillegg til variert terapeutisk arbeid. I det utendørsterapeutiske arbeidet har jeg vært særlig engasjert i utviklingen av friluftsterapi som gruppeintervensjon for ungdommer. Som friluftsentusiast har jeg alltid sett etter muligheter for å ta det kliniske arbeidet ut.
This feels natural as I spend most of my free time outdoors. Cycling, skiing, diving, fishing and hiking are activities that are important for my personal well-being. I am confident that by applying all the knowledge we have about the significance of the human connectedness to nature it is possible to offer a high quality, ethical and meaningful approach to nature-based work as a stand-alone treatment for children, youth and families who struggle with mental health challenges.
- Specialist psychologist in child and adolescent psychology
- Norwegian Trekking Association Tour Guide, winter and summer course.

Halvor Vaaje
I have experience from working with children, youth and families from specialist mental health and community-based services. Previously, I have mainly worked acute, however, presently I work at ABUP’s outpatient clinic in Kristiansand and with Friluftsterapi. I have a strong belief in nature’s ability to build bridges and provide an excellent arena for mastery.
I grew up with immediate access to nature, forest and lakes. My keen interest in hunting and fishing leads me to spend numerous days and nights outdoors every year. I appreciate demanding and long expeditions with heavy packs in the winters, equally to strolls along the shoreline in the summer time.
- Social worker
- Trained in Meeting Aggression Problems (MAP)
- Broad experience from leading groups and individuals outdoors and during activities
- Sea Kayak Basic Course
- Leader course at Agder Sports Council
- Many years of experience as hunter and outdoor enthusiast

Carina Ribe Fernee
I grew up in the coastal countryside of Southern Norway – a stone’s throw from the sea, but still surrounded by forest. I have always loved being outdoors. Even though I enjoy being active, I am not necessarily a thrill-seeker. I tend to seek nature’s restoration, calm and the seemingly instant reconnection with oneself, others and nature’s richness when spending time outdoors over shorter or longer periods of time. I have worked in ABUP since 2003 and became involved in Friluftsterapi at an early stage.
It has been an incredible learning and inspiring “journey” both professionally and personally to be involved in all the different stages of the clinical research- and development project. In my PhD study “Into Nature”, I explored youth’ perceived outcome from participating in the first version of Friluftsterapi (FT 1.0). Nowadays, I work as a senior researcher at the Research and Development Unit and I am the main coordinator of our research activity. In addition to leading the research group and running projects, I am also active in national and international networks. I hold a part-time position at the University of Agder, where I am responsible for the post-graduate course “Nature-based therapeutic work”.
- PhD in Health Sciences, University of Agder
- University Pedagogics, University of Agder
- MSc in Medical Anthropology, University College London
- Specialisation in Mental health work with children, youth and families, University of Agder
- Intercultural communication, NLA University College
- BSc Nursing, Bergen University College

Markus Mattsson
Markus is a psychologist and researcher, and our newest member of our team. Markus is originally from Finland with several years of clinical experience from nature-based rehabilitation with families and children with neurodivergence from The Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Children and Young People, The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare in Turku, Finland, where he ran a three-year project for grandparents and grandchildren. We have collaborated over a number of years with Markus through the Nordic Outdoor Therapy Network and have now been fortunate enough to recruit him for a research position in the Where Wild Things Grow-project. Markus is an eager climber, kayaker and wilderness guide. With a PhD in Psychology, a quantitative research orientation and an interest in statistics, he is a valuable asset to our team and research group.