We strive to share our experiences along the way in order to contribute to competence building and informing the evidence base of our field of practice. Here you find an overview of publications spanning scientific articles, book chapters, dissertations and textbooks, in addition to media.
Scientific articles
Fernee m.fl. (2015) Therapy in the open air
Fernee m.fl. (2017) Unpacking the Black Box of Wilderness Therapy
Fernee m.fl. (2019) Therapy the Natural Way
Fernee m.fl. (2020) Emerging Stories of Self
Gabrielsen & Fernee (2014) Psykisk helsearbeid i naturen
Gabrielsen (2018) The Effectiveness of Wilderness Therapy
Gabrielsen & Harper (2018) The Role of Wilderness Therapy
Gabrielsen m.fl. (2016) Why Randomized Trials are Challenging
Gabrielsen m.fl. (2016) Personlig utvikling i minus 20 grader
Gabrielsen m.fl. (2019) Constructive Anxiety Levels in Wilderness Therapy
Gabrielsen m.fl. (2018) Når terapeuten forlater kontoret
Harper & Fernee (2022) Unpacking Relational Dignity
Harper m.fl. (2021) Nature’s Role in Outdoor Therapies
Mattsson, Fernee m.fl. (2022) Restoring Connectedness in and to Nature
Stea m.fl. (2022) Mapping the Concept, Content, and Outcome of Family-Based Outdoor Therapy