Abup ut
A day programme in nearby nature either offered as an open or closed group intervention. Two therapists normally facilitate each gathering for a group of maximum eight adolescents.
Together with each participant, we determine individual goals for participating in outdoor therapy, where examples include:
- Improved mental health and daily life functioning
- Increased social competence and relational security
- Increased self-efficacy
- Improved emotional competence and ability to mentalise, i.e., understand and manage own thoughts, feelings and behaviour, and that of others
- Increased joy of movement and improved physical fitness
- Improved self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-care
- Increased mindfulness and presence
- Improved ability to manage and regulate stress
- Improved assertiveness, i.e., voice their opinion and boundary setting
- Exposure training
- Regain “spark of life” and improved mood/energy

- Time in nature
- Physical movement, activity and play
- Social community
- Experiences that foster self-efficacy
- Stress reduction, sense of tranquillity and attentive presence
- Reflection and conversations
- Nature-based therapy
- Positive psychology: Resource-focused and strengths-based
- Trauma-focused care: Focusing on safety, relation, and regulation
- Cognitive behavioural therapy: Focusing on thoughts, feelings, body and behaviour
- Emotion-focused approach: Notice, manage, express and integrate feelings
- Narrative approach: Generating new stories and use of metaphors
- Mindfulness: To be attentively present
- Sensorimotor and play-based approach
Basecamp is a trans-diagnostic group treatment that can be suitable for youth with a variety and/or complexity of challenges, who prefer nature-based approaches and perhaps do not feel comfortable with traditional indoor provision of therapy.
Age: 13- 18 years of age
Previous outdoor experience is not required. We adjust the content and choice of terrain according to the individual capacity.
Some participants receive other treatment parallel to outdoor therapy, whereas for others Basecamp is their main activity. In Kristiansand, Basecamp is primarily for youth who do not attend school full-time or at all.
Activities are adapted to participant goals and capacity. Participants co-create content and choice of nature.
Additional content includes, for instance: Each gathering consists of a nature hike, campfire (if safe), joint meal preparation, and a group talk.
Additional content includes, for instance: outdoor activities (navigation, climbing, swimming etc.), cooperative exercises and play, calm activities (relaxation, hammock, mindfulness etc.), harvesting (mushrooms, berries, fishing etc.) and creative exercises (artwork etc.).
In our group conversations, we tend to focus on whatever is on the participants’ minds, but we also address themes that can increase attentiveness, self-insight, self-care, emotional awareness, social competence and/or relationship building. Occasionally, we also find the space and time for individual talks.

Contact & locations:
Mondays from 10 to 14. We meet at the Gapahuk/shelter by Arenfeldst Dam (behind the hospital at Eg in Kristiansand) and make our way from there. At times, we stay in the nearby forest of Bymarka, whereas other times we go elsewhere, such as the nearby nature of a participant.
Vibeke Palucha. Phone: 99108318. E-mail: vibeke.palucha@sshf.no
Reach out to the contact person below to find the time and location of Basecamp in the Lister region.
Anne Kari Jansen. Phone: 90142991. E-mail: anne.kari.jansen@sshf.no
Reach out to the contact person below to find the time and location of Basecamp in the Arendal region.
Andreas Koksvik. Phone: 3707500. E-mail: andreas.koksvik@sshf.no