Abup ut
An intensive group intervention that combines day sessions in nearby nature all along preparing for a weeklong hike in the mountains of Setesdal Austhei. Friluftsliv Expedition is facilitated in a closed group structure of 6- 8 youth and a transdisciplinary team of three therapists/pedagogues.
The intervention is usually completed within a three-week period, consisting of an introductory session where parents and other closely related may be present. Next, follows day sessions, a multi-day hike (maximum six days), and finally a closing ceremony where members of participant network again are welcome to join.
Together with each participant, we determine individual goals for participating in outdoor therapy, where examples include:
- Improved mental health and daily life functioning
- Increased social competence and relational security
- Increased self-efficacy
- Improved emotional competence and ability to mentalise, i.e., understand and manage own thoughts, feelings and behaviour, and that of others
- Increased joy of movement and improved physical fitness
- Improved self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-care
- Increased mindfulness and presence
- Improved ability to manage and regulate stress
- Improved assertiveness, i.e., voice their opinion and boundary setting
- Exposure training
- Regain “spark of life” and improved mood/energy
- Time in nature
- Physical movement, activity and play
- Social community
- Experiences that foster self-efficacy
- Stress reduction, sense of tranquillity and attentive presence
- Reflection and conversations
- Nature-based therapy
- Positive psychology: Resource-focused and strengths-based
- Trauma-focused care: Focusing on safety, relation, and regulation
- Cognitive behavioural therapy: Focusing on thoughts, feelings, body and behaviour
- Emotion-focused approach: Notice, manage, express and integrate feelings
- Narrative approach: Generating new stories and use of metaphors
- Mindfulness: To be attentively present
- Sensorimotor and play-based approach
Age: ca. 16- 18 years of age
Previous outdoor experience is recommended. We adjust the content and choice of terrain according to the individual capacity and prepare for the multi-day hike during initial day sessions. Still, the hike can be very demanding when hiking in mountain terrain in changing conditions both in terms of weather and group environment. Everyone carries their own equipment in a large backpack and we live, sleep and prepare meals together outdoors. During every session, individual and group talks are part of the intervention.
Some participants receive other treatment parallel to outdoor therapy, whereas for others Friluftsterapi Expedition is their main activity.
During the first introductory session, we get to know each other a little. Participants and parents/closely related receive thorough information about the intervention and the chance to ask questions.
During the day sessions prior to the hike, we get to know each other better and we work through necessary preparations to feel ready for a multi-day trek. That entails to practice how to adjust clothing and equipment according to changing conditions, how to prepare the backpack, preparing campfire and meals outdoors, navigation, setting up and packing down camp, whilst still in nearby nature and less demanding terrain.
On the multi-day hike, we trek a roundtrip in the mountain terrain of Setesdal Austhei where we put all this knowledge to use, and enjoy a longer stay in nature physically removed from the stress, routines and concerns of everyday life. Hopefully, we become a great team these days, where we support each other and share experiences for life.
During the closing ceremony, we show photos and share stories with parents and/or those especially invited from the participants’ network.

Contact & locations:
Friluftsterapi Expedition is planned 1- 2 times a year, normally late spring or early fall. Reach out to the contact person below for further enquiries and to find out when the next Expedition is scheduled.
Vibeke Palucha. Phone: 99108318. E-mail: vibeke.palucha@sshf.no
Friluftsterapi Expedition is planned 1- 2 times a year, normally late spring or early fall. Reach out to the contact person below for further enquiries and to find out when the next Expedition is scheduled.
Anne Kari Jansen. Phone: 90142991. E-mail: anne.kari.jansen@sshf.no
Friluftsterapi Expedition is planned 1- 2 times a year, normally late spring or early fall. Reach out to the contact person below for further enquiries and to find out when the next Expedition is scheduled.
Andreas Koksvik. Phone: 3707500. E-mail: andreas.koksvik@sshf.no